Teaching at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Robot Manipulator
ECE 470 Introduction to Robotics
(Spring 2018, Fall 2018)
Platform: Universal Robots UR3 Collaborative Robot
The Tower of Hanoi with ROS
Forward Kinematics
Inverse Kinematics
Camera Sensing and Integration into the World Frame for a Pick and Place Task
Particle Filter for Localization with UR3 Robot Manipulator
ME446/SE422/ECE489 Robot Dynamics and Control
(Spring 2021)
Platform: CRS Robot Arm
Kinematic Transformations
PD and PID Joint Control
Inverse Dynamics Joint Control
Task Space Control and Impedance Control
Thermo Scientific CRS Robot Arm
Mechatronics and Embedded System
ME461 Computer Control of Mechanical Systems
(Fall 2019, Fall 2020)
Platform: TI C2000 F28379D LaunchPad Development Kit
SE 423 Mechatronics
(Spring 2019, Spring 2020)
Platform: TI C2000 F28379D LaunchPad Development Kit and Raspberry Pi
Signal Processing and Digital Control
SE420 Digital Control of Dynamic Systems
(Fall 2017)
Cheapli Project – Self-balanced Cube
ME360 Fundamentals of Signal Processing, Instrumentation and Control
(Fall 2021)
Course Support at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
ECE 484 Principles of Safe Autonomy
CS 588 Autonomous Vehicle Systems Engineering
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